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J.A. Wollam M2000 Spectroscopic Ellipsometer
Contact: Dr. Raluca Gearba
Location: FNT 4.106
Equipment Type:
Cleanroom Instrumentation
Information the Equipment Can Provide
Very fast data acquisition with large spectral range. The M-2000D model can measure from 193nm to 1000nm. Measures enough wavelengths to obtain thickness from thick photoresists (up to 10 microns thick). The ideal instrument for fast thickness uniformity mapping and in-situ applications, such as real-time dissolution rate monitoring. This ellipsometer is capable of scanning areas ranging from 1cm2 to 6 in2 and patterns from single point scans to a 32+ point profile.
- Spectral range 193 to 1650 nm
- Thickness measurements from 1 nm to 10 μm, depending on sample
- Large area scanning mode
- Time dependent measurement mode
- Beam size: 4mm. However, at the sample the beam is elliptical and the size will depend on the angle of incidence.
- Beam size with focusing probes: 300 microns
Supporting Materials
- Database for refractive indexes.
Fees and Policies
- UT Users: $31/hour
- Higher Education/State Agencies: $54/hour
- Corporate/External Users: $46/hour
To become a new user of this facility, please read the Instrument Reservation Information page. If you are already a user you can make a reservation in FBS
To become a user of this instrument you must first complete the Cleanroom Safety Class. Please contact the facility manager to schedule a training session.