Research on polymers at UT Austin focuses on electronic, structural, and chemical properties for applications in microelectronics, low cost solar materials, biomass, structural composites, and membrane materials. Biomaterials research includes the study of biomaterials interfaces and materials for controlled drug release.
Associated Graduate Program Faculty
Deji Akinwande
Carbon-based nano electronics, wireless flexible electronics, medical electronics.
Jonathan Chen
Bio-based non-woven composites for automotive interior manufacture; fabrication and characterization of activated carbon fiber materials for end uses in protective garments, water/air filtration, bio- and chemical-contaminant cleanup, and noise absorption and insulation; and regenerated cellulose/nanoparticle polymers and fibers.
Donglei Emma Fan
Active polymer composites for soft robotics and machines. Single molecular sensing by novel optical, magnetic, and electric methods; Precision drug/gene releasing and delivery using nanoparticles as vehicles.
Rui Huang
Mechanics of polymer gels and soft materials, two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials and thin films, thermomechanical reliability of microelectronic devices and packaging, multiscale modeling and simulations.
Keith Johnston
Nanocrystals for imaging and therapy in atherosclerosis and cancer; drug delivery of peptides; proteins and poorly water-soluble drugs; colloid and interface science; polymers at interfaces; molecular thermodynamics.
Kenneth Liechti
Interfacial force microscopy; nanoindentation of ultra-thin films and self-assembled monolayers; mechanics of adhesion and friction; interfacial fracture mechanics; experimental mechanics; viscoelasticity; composite materials; microelectronics packaging.
Wei Li
Materials processing and manufacturing, particularly multifunctional nanomaterials, biomaterials, and biomedical micro devices; biomedical micro devices for 3D cell culture and drug delivery, polymer nano foams and nanocomposites for multifunctional applications, nanoporous materials for energy storage, and manufacturing processes for alternative transportation energy.
Nanshu Lu
Mechanics of thin films on compliant substrates, mechanics of flexible electronics with extreme deformability and compliance, mechanics at bio-electronics interfaces, development of novel bio-integrated soft electronics for cardiac, neural and epidermal applications.
Huiliang (Evan) Wang
Development of nanomaterials, organic materials and electronics materials for advanced neurotechnology applications.
C. Grant Willson
Block Copolymer Nanolithography; Materials for double Exposure Lithography; E-Beam Resists; Immersion Lithography; Non-linear optical Materials.
Guihua Yu
Self-assembled nanosystems for flexible electronics and optoelectronics. Hybrid inorganic-organic nanomaterial systems for functional interface with biological systems.
Yuebing Zheng
Nanoscience and nanotechnology at the interfaces of photonics, fluidics, and molecular engineering. Interactions between light and matter at the nanoscale; nanomaterials and nano devices for disease diagnosis and therapy and solar energy; Molecular Motors, Molecular Plasmonics, and Plasmofluidics.