In a recent groundbreaking study, Dr. Yurim Jeon, a postdoctoral researcher, and Dr. Deji Akinwande, a distinguished professor, have uncovered In2Se3’s potential to significantly advance artificial intelligence (AI).

In2Se3 (Indium Selenide) is an intriguing electronic material known for its unique crystalline layered phases and distinct properties. Researchers have long been exploring its potential in various fields, particularly in electronics and memory storage.

Published in Advanced Materials, the research reveals that In2Se3 can mimic the synaptic connectivity of the brain, a key factor in enhancing AI capabilities. This property could enhance the performance of near-ideal convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The discovery has immense promise for the future of AI, particularly in creating more efficient hardware that can improve processing speed, energy efficiency, and accuracy. Dr. Jeon and Dr. Akinwande’s work is assured to drive significant advancements in AI technology.

Dr. Jeon and Dr. Akinwande’s work is also supported by key contributors such as Nick Ignacio and Patrick Carmichael, both students, and Keji Lai, a TMI faculty affiliate.