Guo Youhong

Youhong (Nancy) Guo, a materials science and engineering graduate student in Texas Materials Institute at UT Austin, received the prestigious MRS Graduate Student Award for best materials science graduate research at the 2020 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting.

As the top honor for graduate students in materials research community, the award is intended to honor and encourage graduate students whose academic achievements and current materials research display a high level of excellence and distinction. MRS seeks to recognize students of exceptional ability who show promise for significant future achievement in materials research and education.

Youhong won this award for her research works on designing novel organic hydrogels for advanced solar water purification and seawater desalination. Working with her supervisor, Prof. Guihua Yu (Yu Research Group), she has published research papers on several prominent scientific journals including Nature Reviews Materials, Chemical Reviews, Science Advances, Advanced Materials, Energy & Environmental Science, Nano Letter, ACS Nano, and her research works have been featured in many science/technology media outlets.