Daniel is a member of Dr. Nanshu Lu's research group in his final year of Ph.D. study. He is recognized for his study of "bubbles" in two-dimensional (2D) materials, which are bulged regions of a 2D material flake filled with contaminants trapped at the 2D material-substrate interface. These bubbles are filled contaminants trapped at the interface; where he mainly uses mass spectrometry to study their chemical composition and atomic force microscopy to understand their mechanical behavior.
The award reflects the review panelists' judgment of Daniel's scholarly competence as well as the promise that the he shows for future achievement as a scholar, researcher, and teacher in an institution of higher education.
In addition to the fellowship award, new Ford Fellows are invited to attend the Conference of Ford Fellows, a unique national conference of a select group of high-achieving scholars committed to diversifying the professoriate and using diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.
Please help us congratulate Daniel on this wonderful accomplishment! To learn more about his research within Dr. Nanshu Lu’s group, please see their website here.