Back to Electron Microscopy Facility
Contact: Dr. Xun Zhan
Location: EER 0.762
Equipment Type:
Electron Microscopy
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
Information the Equipment Can Provide
The JEOL NEOARM is a probe-corrected transmission electron microscope with aberration correction from 30 kV to 200 kV.

Key Features
- Atomic-level imaging at 30 kV, 80 kV and 200 kV in STEM
- Atomic-level elemental mapping (EDXS and EELS)
- Electric binding state and plasmon mapping (EELS)
- Energy filtered imaging
- In situ liquid cell, heating and biasing
- Auto tune for fast alignment
- Imaging Modes: TEM/STEM
- Voltage: 30 kV to 200 kV
- STEM resolution: 0.0783 nm (200 kV)/ 0.1108 nm (80 kV)/ 0.1920 nm (30 kV)
- Energy resolution: sub 0.3 eV
- Point to Point Resolution TEM: 0.023 nm (200 kV)
- Source: Cold Field Emission
- Tilt Range: 80° (with high tilt holder)
- Lorentz lens
- Hybrid high angle annular dark field detector
- Annular bright field detector
- Gatan OneView Camera with IS video software (up to 300 fps)
- JEOL large angle silicon drift EDS detector (0.96 sr)
- Gatan Quantum energy filter with DualEELS
- Protochips Fusion Heating/Biasing Holder and Poseidon Liquid Cell
- High tilt holder
- Double-Tilt Holder
Fees and Policies
- UT Users: $120/hour
- Higher Education/State Agencies: $395/hour
- Corporate/External Users: $450/hour
JEOL NEOARM Low kV STEM Corrected Training Fees
Contact Dr. Jarvis about training rates.
To become a new user of this facility, please read the Instrument Reservation Information page. If you are already a user you can make a reservation in FBS.